Kim Mayfield

Board of Trustees
I am a native of Holly Springs where I graduated from Holly Springs High School. I have been
employed with Fidelity Information Services (FIS) as a Programmer Analyst Specialist for over 23
years. I have the honor and privilege of being the proud aunt, godmother, and mentor to
several children.
I received a Bachelor of Business Administration, Management Information Systems, degree
from the University of Mississippi in 2000. I pursued my love of cooking by receiving a Culinary
Diploma, Le’Cole Culinaire in 2010.
As a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., I have served as president and in other offices for
the last 13 years. On the State and Regional levels of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated, I
serve as Youth Coordinator and IT Coordinator.
Service is very important to me. I am a member of Strawberry M. B. Church where I serve on
the hospitality ministry. I am a member of the Marshall County Democratic Committee. I am
president of the Holly Springs High School Class of 1995 Alumni. I volunteer in our community
wherever there is a need such as Sacred Heart Food Pantry, MLK Day of Service, Juneteenth,
and at the schools in and around Holly Springs.
I am so excited about working as a board member. I am dedicated to learning and growing in
my knowledge so that I can be a tool in advancing our School District. I strive daily to make a
positive impact on the School District that I am product of. My goals and objectives as a
Trustee are to work closely with other Board Trustees and Superintendent in making decisions
that will advance and grow our Schools to the best of our ability for the sake of our students,
parents, and community.
employed with Fidelity Information Services (FIS) as a Programmer Analyst Specialist for over 23
years. I have the honor and privilege of being the proud aunt, godmother, and mentor to
several children.
I received a Bachelor of Business Administration, Management Information Systems, degree
from the University of Mississippi in 2000. I pursued my love of cooking by receiving a Culinary
Diploma, Le’Cole Culinaire in 2010.
As a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., I have served as president and in other offices for
the last 13 years. On the State and Regional levels of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Incorporated, I
serve as Youth Coordinator and IT Coordinator.
Service is very important to me. I am a member of Strawberry M. B. Church where I serve on
the hospitality ministry. I am a member of the Marshall County Democratic Committee. I am
president of the Holly Springs High School Class of 1995 Alumni. I volunteer in our community
wherever there is a need such as Sacred Heart Food Pantry, MLK Day of Service, Juneteenth,
and at the schools in and around Holly Springs.
I am so excited about working as a board member. I am dedicated to learning and growing in
my knowledge so that I can be a tool in advancing our School District. I strive daily to make a
positive impact on the School District that I am product of. My goals and objectives as a
Trustee are to work closely with other Board Trustees and Superintendent in making decisions
that will advance and grow our Schools to the best of our ability for the sake of our students,
parents, and community.